Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Gemuk ke kurus ke yang penting happy!

Pernah tak terfikir nak jadi kurus or nak naik kan berat badan?
I bet ada..cause I'm one of them too!

But seriously people, I think that the best way is to be yourself.

Mungkin 'ugly' kat sini refers to bentuk badan tak hot, gigi jongang or whatsoever..

But think again..yang kat bawah ni cantik sangat ke?

keding gila

Hahah sangat sangat pelik dan tak cantik..kann?

Tapi jangan lahh sampai jadi macam ni...

Euuwwwwwwww! Tengok lemak lemak tuu...no offense people, but it was fucking geli and yucksss!!!

Please..please..please don't be like that one, tak baik untuk kesihatan.

Now lets see the differences down here...


Haa nampak tak? Bahaya kalau kandungan lemak dalam badan berlebihan daripada komposisi yang diperlukan.

Okay this me, skinny Jass Nuur Sarah Arina..

Berat badan tak pernah lebih 44 kg and BMI punn tak pernah lepas normal.
I have to do nothing to get my skinny body..maybe sebab genetic and I am an anti-obese person :)

But still, I wanna look like her..

Allison Stokke

Hmmm very yummy..hahah sounds like a pervert... 
She is HOT! 

Nak ada body figure macam tu bukan senang. Exercise tuu sudah pasti. So, apa lagi..jogging lahh!!! 

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