Saturday, September 24, 2011

Love them. Like them.

Please forgive but here I am, talking about gay!
Surely semua orang tahu apa maksud there's no need to explain about it.

Blaine and Kurt

Now let me introduce you people to Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson.
The one and only gay couple from Glee. 

Tapi aku cuma nak cakap betapa exited nyea aku bila tengok mereka ni..hahah!
Maybe they were sooooo sweet and nice towards each other, so there is nothing to hate.

I hope you people didn't judge me for liking them though.
I admired their kindness, sweetness and the undeniable adorable looking face.

Kalau kat sekeliling kita ada golongan macam ni, try to not blame them.
Tak ada sesiapa yang sempurna..kawan jea dengan mereka and accept them for who they are.

Yang baik jadikan sempadan, buruk jadikan tauladan.

Peace people :D

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